Academic Tutoring

Academic Coaching is a working partnership that focuses on the process of learning. We can examine learning styles, habits of work, and current difficulties or barriers to success. Then we create and put in place effective strategies to achieve academic success and anchor this with a supportive relationship, and personal accountability. Academic coaching can include any of the following:

Tutoring & Case Management $65/hour

10 Pack-Summer Session $550 (dates chosen by individual)

Sibling Discount 15% off

Tutoring, Case Management and Prep $75/hour

Debbi has been a great help to my two sons (7th and 10th grades) this past year. She not only helped them understand the math concepts and work through their homework, she also gave them great ideas regarding organization, study skills, how to use class time productively, etc. I would highly recommend Debbi’s tutoring for any student!
— Marilyn Blair, Redmond parent